Chevrolet Car Logo

Chevrolet is sometimes abbreviated as Chevy is a brand of automotive United States, which is one division of General Motors. Chevrolet was founded by Louis Chevrolet and General Motors founder William C. Durant on November 8, 1911. Chevrolet was taken by General Motors in 1917 and then positioned by Alfred Sloan for sell a similar vehicle for compete directly against the Ford Model T created by Henry Ford.

Chevrolet first used the logo "bowtie" in 1913 it is said that the logo was designed from a wallpaper that Durant saw in some French hotel.

During the 1920s to the 1940s, Chevrolet continues to compete with Ford, especially after Chrysler formed Plymouth in 1928, Plymouth, Ford, and Chevrolet is known as the "Three cheap automakers". In 1933, Chevrolet launched the Standard Six, they're advertising in the United States as a 6-cylinder engined cars the cheapest at the time.
Chevrolet Car Logo

Chevrolet has successfully gain great influence in the United States market in the 1950s and 1960s. Chevrolet launched a 2-door sports car called the Chevrolet Corvette in 1953 In 1957, Chevrolet made gasoline engine ​​with injection for the first time.

In 1960 Chevrolet Corvair launched, the only rear-engined American cars with air conditioning till now. In 1963, Chevrolet brand gain 10% of the United States car market.

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